Half life opposing force ending
Half life opposing force ending

Jump from crate to crate and work your way across the warehouse room from above.

  • In front of you are a few swinging crates.
  • Let the battle rage as long as possible without being seen - it will only make your job easier.

    half life opposing force ending

    You'll see a huge battle between Ops and aliens going on. Move to the opening at the right - slowly - and peek below.

  • Make your way upward, jumping from crate to crate, until you reach the top area.
  • From there, work your way forward and to the right, until you come to a series of boxes, crates and other assorted items forming a stairway of sorts upward.
  • After leaving the conveyor area, shoot the Ops above you and ride the elevator platform to your right upward.
  • If you time it right, you can duck in and out from alcove to alcove and get to the next area. At the far end, you can drop down to the left, towards the beginning of the conveyor.

    half life opposing force ending

  • Continue along the conveyor belt line, cross over at the end and climb up the boxes there.

  • Half life opposing force ending